Venice High School Swim Team Portraits
Monday, September 23rd
Friday, September 27th

Registration Information
Registrations and deposits will be taken on-line.
The registration deadline is Sunday, September 22, 2024.
Athletes who are registered will be photographed.
The registration form is at the bottom of this web page.
I thank you, in advance, for registering on time. Late registrations will not be accepted.
Gift Card
A $26 deposit per athlete will be collected at this time to secure your portrait session.
Once the portrait proofs are posted on-line, you will receive an e-mail with your unique digital gift card code valued at $26.
You will use your gift card code when placing your on-line order.
Once the proofs are posted on-line, you will have 1 week to place your order.
If an order is not placed by the order deadline, you will receive a default print collection consisting of 1-5x7 and 4-wallet prints.
On-line Registration
Registration Deadline was Sunday, September 22, 2024. Registration is now closed.
Detailed Pricing Information
Portrait Print Collections
- Pkg A: 1-8x10, 2-5x7 & 8-wallets ($55)
- Pkg B: 1-8x10 & 8-wallets ($41)
- Pkg C: 1-8x10 & 2-5x7 ($41)
- Pkg D: 2-5x7 & 8-wallets ($41)
- Pkg E: 1-5x7 & 4-wallets ($24)
Digital Image
(Delivered via e-mail)
- Full Resolution Image ($35)
Specialty Items
(Customized with your athlete's name and year)
- Aluminum Bag Tag ($18)
- 15 oz Ceramic Photo Coffee Mug ($32)
- Aluminum Key Chain ($16)
- Photo Button ($14)
- 4x5 Photo Magnet ($14)